Why Coaching?


„Know thyself  &  make something of yourself!” 

Only one or two generations ago most people were embedded in a professional environment that structured everyday routines and life choices. What was a given for our parents & grandparents has changed completely for us.
Nowadays, when life-&working conditions often change at breathtaking speed, personal stability & balance become more important.

…so why?

The reason is that we can influence these factors that determine the quality of our lives! Conflict- & Self-management are decisive skills to survive the competition of our society.

They also help us deal with growing responsibility in nearly all stages of life.

Therefore it is necessary to continuously adapt and reexamine personal goals, plans and roles. The freedom we have allows for a new variety of new opportunities on the one hand but demands regular reorientation on the other.

“If you want to understand, learn how to act!” (Heinz v. Foerster)

If you ask yourself such or similar questions, for example –

  • in future do I want to continue doing what I am doing now?
  • how do I divide among the 3 “worlds” – organization-private-profession?
  • how does this division impact my life as a whole?

– and you would like to find coherent answers for yourself, then Coaching is what you need.
